Many individuals overlook the importance of implementing and adhering to afamily operating budget, and most households fail to even track their expenses. We live in a world where balancing a checkbook is perhaps a thing of the past, and we have apps that allocate certain percentages of a transaction to our savings account, streamlining the financial responsibility we once knew. In fact, a recent study showed 65% of Americans have no idea how much they spent last month, much less what they spent their money on. As the study suggests, we prefer to play it by ear rather than plan it out. With the surplus of automatic bill-pay services and banking apps, it is growing more common for individuals to feel it isn’t necessary to keep a close eye on their money; that is until they don’t have enough, which, for many, can be too late.
Businesses adhere to an operating budget for financial responsibility, cutting costs, managing cashflows, meeting financial goals, and tracking progress. Budgeting is anintegral tool for decision making and monitoringbusiness performance. Not to mention, having a budget gives you peace of mind. Whether you are an individual, have a family, or a small business owner, Frigate Financial encourages you to budget your money, or at the very least, track your expenses. Having an 8-year-old son and a 2-year-old daughter of our own, we understand how difficult it is to find the extra time to sit down with your significant other and crunch numbers, so let us implement a budget built specifically for you and your goals in mind!
With our personalized financial coaching program, we will not only build a budget tailored to you, but we will also track your monthly spending by categorizing and summarizing each transaction, revealing any variances, and showing exactly where you need to reduce spending. The definition of a financial statement is “a written record that conveys the business activities and financial performance of a company,” therefore a budget without expenditure tracking doesn’t do any good.
Our personalized financial coaching program is very affordable and built specifically for each individual. We will discuss and review with you every last detail that is needed to ensure your financial goals are being met, as well as provide a monthly report showing actual versus budgeted ,a monthly analysis, and a monthly call or in person conversation to discuss the month’s performance. Call us for a free consultation today!